Discover the world of Bitcoin with Trey Brunson, a professional in the Bitcoin industry who has been promoting the relevance and importance of Bitcoin since 2016.
Curated Bitcoin Resources
A list of the top applications to get started using the Bitcoin network.
A collection of articles from the top thought leaders in the Bitcoin industry.
A curated reading list to help broaden your understanding of Bitcoin.
A library of the leading podcasts in the Bitcoin industry.
A curated playlist of the must watch videos about Bitcoin.
Secret Satoshis.
Bitcoin Newsletter.
Start Your Bitcoin Journey With Secret Satoshis
Ever wondered what it would be like to discover Bitcoin's secrets before the rest of the world?
Personal Bitcoin Research
Bitcoin Slide Decks
A collection of presentations covering a range of topics from the basics of Bitcoin, its historical context , to more technical aspects like the underlying protocol and on-chain analysis.